Every morning in the world, FAUN refuse collection vehicles are on the roads of France.
They have been designed and manufactured in our two French factories in Guilherand-Granges and Lambesc with the continuous aim of improving their mission, economic and environmental performance.
Our success is the result of the dedication of all our employees to their work and a high level of capital expenditure essential for our development and sustainability.
We are developing innovative products and services to meet the new expectations of our customers.
As the leading rental company for household waste in France, we provide an optimum level of service thanks to our mobile technicians and our ever-growing number of Service Centres.
Attentive to the quality of life of our employees, we act as a committed player in society by supporting sponsorship operations as well as sporting and cultural activities.
Etienne BLAISE
Chairman of Faun Environnement
In 1922, “Carrosseries Granges Frères” was founded in Valence and quickly became a recognised transport specialist.
For almost 100 years, FAUN has been setting the pace in the market: through its innovations, through its ability to combine safety and environmental protection, by significantly reducing noise pollution and CO2 emissions.
FAUN is recognised as much for the quality and reliability of its equipment and its after-sales service as for its ability to innovate, for its customers and for the environment.
As the European leader, FAUN manufactures the refuse collection vehicles of today and tomorrow and designs services and solutions that optimise the collection of waste on an economic, social and environmental level.

FAUN is a company committed to continuous progress
FAUN encourages innovation for sustainable development and aims to be an eco-responsible company that benefits everyone.
FAUN is certified ISO 9001 (Quality), ISO 45001 (Health and Safety), ISO 14001 (Environment) and ISO 50001 (Energy Management) for the Guilherand-Granges and Lambesc sites.

An integrated design office
Aware that waste collection has entered a new era, we are developing innovative solutions to optimise the performance of all our equipment and reduce their environmental impact.
The expertise of our design office engineers has enabled us to develop exclusive systems to reduce fuel consumption and CO2 emissions; to reduce noise pollution; to increase collection performance by optimising the load; to recover kinetic energy during braking (CIN-ENERGIE system); to make the collection agents’ operating areas as safe as possible; to develop new RCVs using alternative energies: electricity, hydrogen; and to design equipment adapted to selective collections, such as that of bio-waste.

Our connected maintenance system optimises the interventions of our experts.

FAUN has been chosen by the city of Dijon to build the first hydrogen RCV launched in France.

FAUN has been chosen by Renault Trucks to promote the electric chassis in Europe.

A 4.0 company
We develop solutions and services to meet the expectations of local authorities and enable them to optimise waste collection.
We equip our RCVs with information systems that collect data in real time and optimise collection performance by reducing their cost and their impact on the environment.

FAUN is a company committed to continuous improvement
FAUN is ISO 45001 certified and implements a continuous improvement process for safety and work quality to guarantee the best possible working conditions for all its employees.
This approach allowed it to reduce arduousness at the various stages of production with the acquisition of 3 new welding robots and a laser cutter, the installation of an automated warehouse with 17 robots distributed over 3 stations and the implementation of “good to man” logistics.
We have implemented a continuous improvement process in terms of risk prevention by installing safety systems for working at height in the workshops, by adding anchoring points on the RCVs to work on their roofs in complete safety; by equipping the workshops with suction welding torches; by replacing products labelled as carcinogenic, mutagenic or proven repro-toxic; by installing a distributor of personal protective equipment in the heart of the workshops.

FAUN is committed to respecting the environment in the broadest sense of the term, with the objectives of limiting energy consumption, limiting pollution and recovering waste.

Limiting energy consumption
Numerous measures have been taken to limit energy consumption: installation of domes to promote natural lighting; replacement of the old workshop lighting with LEDs with dimmed natural light and a clock; preventive maintenance to search for gas and compressed air leaks; installation and monitoring of electricity meters on the most energy-consuming machines; installation of high-speed sectional doors; use of well water for the washing area. In addition, we work mainly with regional (45%) and French (65%) suppliers, in order to limit the carbon footprint of the transport of parts.
Limiting pollution
Several systems have been installed to limit as much as possible the pollution that the company’s activity could cause to water, soil and air: filtration of welding fumes before discharge; filtration of paint booths with annual monitoring of discharges; hydrocarbon separator in the washing area..
Waste recovery
We have set up a waste platform and sorting bins at the workstations which allow us to separate metal, paper and cardboard, hard plastic, soft plastic, wood, WEEE, packaging and soiled materials, aerosols, DASRI, oils, DIB, etc., in order to recover as much as possible of the waste from our activities. In a circular economy approach, the metal waste from the cutting of steel sheets is entirely recycled. The scraps are collected by a collector and then sent to a foundry to produce new sheets.

Risk prevention
In order to increase our operators’ awareness of risks and to meet their needs, we meticulously follow the necessary training and authorisations: electrical, machine driving, working at height, transport of dangerous materials, ATEX, fire extinguishers, etc., and provide in-house training.
FAUN participates in the local economy and supports eco-responsible actions.
Our values: sharing knowledge, respect for others, involvement… are set out in our “Charte Phare”. These values are intended for all our employees and guide our daily actions with the aim of continuous improvement.

Local economy
With 100% integrated local manufacturing, we contribute to the sustainable economic development of territories.
By modernising our infrastructures through robotisation and digital solutions, we offer safer and more sustainable industrial jobs and create new jobs for young people, such as off-line programmers or welding and robotics engineers.
In partnership with local authorities, we exchange to share and disseminate best practices and thus improve our societal performance more widely.
Eco-responsible actions
FAUN supports local initiatives to preserve the natural environment, in particular by joining forces with Plastic Odyssey to combat plastic pollution at sea and thus protect the ocean.

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