FAUN and innovation
The R&D and innovations that make FAUN unique enable us to carry out ever more economical collections with a minimum impact on the environment:
- Reducing fuel consumption and therefore CO2 emissions
- Reducing noise pollution and increasing collection performance by optimising the load
- Recovering kinetic energy during braking
- Making the collection agents’ operating areas as safe as possible
- Using organic oils
Tomorrow’s refuse collection vehicles will be intelligent, providing services and collecting information on collections and the waste collected. They will participate in the process of improving waste management on an economic, social and environmental level.
FAUN has always been attentive to the needs of its customers and has always innovated to provide them with unique and effective solutions in terms of safety, economy and efficiency: the FAUN Control System (SCF), CIN-ENERGIE, hydraulic cleanliness, and recently FAUN ICONNECT®, its exclusive connected maintenance system and the development of FAUN DATA SYSTEMS with the creation of the brand new CONNECTED WEIGHING system!

Depending on the option chosen, this connected maintenance system allows remote maintenance of your RCVs in real time and/or their maintenance follow-up over time.
The on-board electronics in your RCV allow FAUN’s technical assistance team to carry out remote maintenance on your vehicle in real time.
By connecting to the FAUN platform, you are accompanied in the maintenance follow-up of your equipment through a calendar accessible on the FAUN platform hosted in France.
- Faster interventions
- Increased ‘mobility’ of expertise
- Possibility of using FAUN experts on a time-sharing basis
- Optimisation of interventions
The FAUN Control System (SCF)
FAUN has designed the SCF for accurate diagnosis.
- Quick recovery and repairs
- Reduced downtime
- An optional remote maintenance system allows the RCV functionalities to be viewed via GSM and updates to be downloaded.

Each time the brakes are applied, the kinetic energy is recovered to operate the tipper “free of charge”.
- 14% fuel savings
- Reduction of up to 7.9 tons of CO2/year
- Significant gain in noise comfort
- Compactions are made while driving without loss of energy and at standstill without accelerated idling

Hydraulic cleanliness
This exclusive programme guarantees optimal operation and hydraulic cleanliness of the RCVs, which eliminates 70% of the causes of mechanical component failures.
- Increases the longevity of the RCV and reduces breakdowns
- Very short bucket downtime
- Can be used on new and old RCVs
- Informs about the degree of pollution
- 999 particles of 3 microns are stopped out of 1000 emitted

NEW Connected weighing system
- This new connected weighing system designed by FAUN gives you access to precise data to better manage the collection.
- Sensors installed on the structure between the vehicle chassis and the container allow the waste to be weighed throughout the collection process.

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